School of Education

Fifth graders

The vision of the SPU School of Education is to influence the region, the nation, and the world through the equipping of educational leaders for public and private schools.

The mission of the SPU School of Education is to equip educators for service and leadership in schools and communities by developing their professional competence and character to make a positive impact on learning.


School of Education certification programs are approved by the Professional Educator Standards Board, and the School Counseling program is also accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs(CACREP).

Find out more about this School’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.



Center for Career and Calling

Your career, your calling

The Center for Career and Calling helps you explore your vocational calling through career counseling and advising, career testing, workshops, career events, and career classes.


School of Education

Visit the School of Education to see how you can begin to educate youth, achieve your goals, and make a difference in the world.