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Faculty Profile

Andrew Ryder

Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Professor of Theatre Education

Phone: 206-281-2238
Office: Marston Hall 331

Education: BA, Anderson University, 1990; MA, Michigan State University, 1994; PhD, Bowling Green State University, 1997. At SPU since 2000.

Andrew Ryder is SPU’s Director of Undergraduate General Education, overseeing the implementation, assessment, and development of the Common and Exploratory Curriculum. He also supervises the Writing Program, the Honors Program, and the Ascent Scholars Program. In addition, he is Interim Dean for Curriculum and Assessment in the College of Arts and Sciences, where he leads that school’s Curriculum Committee and coordinates curriculum across the college.

After nearly 20 years teaching Theatre, and 6 chairing the department, Andrew continues to lead the Theatre Education program at Seattle Pacific, as well as the Integrated Studies-Arts major for Elementary Education. Dr. Ryder is a member of the board of the Winifred Ward Memorial Fund and works on spiritual development disability ministry and arts initiatives at Bothell United Methodist Church, where he currently serves on the Governing Board. His publications have appeared in Theatre Annual, Performing Arts Resources, The Western States Theatre Review, and Platform.

At SPU, Dr. Ryder teaches WRI 1100, Disciplinary Research and Writing, University Colloquium, and EDU 4030, Theatre Education Methods. His research interests are currently focused on best practices in theatre education, the intersections between arts education and education of people with disabilities, and pacifist theatre during World War II. During his 2020 sabbatical, he began work on a play about the latter, which took place at two pacifist internment camps in Oregon. Dr. Ryder and his wife have two sons.

Selected Publications

Andrew Ryder - Why I Teach

Why I Teach at SPU

Andrew Ryder, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; Professor of Theatre Education.

“I teach at SPU because I believe strongly in the importance of Christian liberal arts education. Studying the arts in such an environment allowed me to wrestle with important questions, because I trusted my professors and their perspectives. I work hard to develop and maintain with my students the same trust and openness to questions.”